Oh October!
How I love you! And i just adore this collection, too! Like Halloween, BoopsieDaisy’s Pez dispensers showcase an appreciation of nostalgia, a love of whimsy, a panache for color, and a celebration of…candy! Delightful! So join me as we skip hand-in-hand down Gumdrop Lane and revel in the sugar-covered sweet sweet joy of collecting!
Who (are you?): Missy Munday of Boopsiedaisy
What (are you collecting?): Pez Dispensers
When (did you start?): Seven years ago
How (many do you have?): 209 at last count
Where (do you find them) and (do you keep them?): Yard sales, thrift stores, flea markets & souvenir shops. I keep them in our dining room.
What (piece would you like to add?): The two that top my wish list are Snow White and Frankenstein, the original 60's versions.
Why (do you love them?): Besides that they double as delicious, colorful wall candy, they're instantly recognizable as collectible, totally timeless, and seem to beckon back to a time that was simpler. Plus they spoonfeed you candy.
Which (one is your favorite?): It's sort of a three-way toss-up between Gargamel (for looks), the vintage clown (my rarest) and the vintage witch (which has sentimental value).
What (else do you collect): Too much to list, really, but primarily different editions of Snow White and Alice in Wonderland books, dolls, Wizard of Oz merch, Muppets stuff, vintage valentines and squeak toys, and anything relating to Drew Barrymore.

Like her delicious and fun-filled collection, Missy’s brilliant shop is genuine eye candy for the soul. Just a moment savoring her sweet and sugar-coated, tantalizing and gasp-worthy, rainbow-sprinkled handmade world, promises to banish the grayest day and delight your senses!
Her enchanting and whimsical creations have captured the wide-eyed imagination of many, and it’s with holding-my-breath delight that I tune in on a daily basis to see what fantastical new fairy tales she’s crafted in her vivid life and work. What a joy!
Thanks so much, lovely BoopsieDaisy! Wishing you all the sweetest of days!
What do you collect? I’d love to hear! Please post in the comments below!