aren't you the loveliest readers around!
thank YOU, sweet nicies.
thanks for your encouraging words & dear dear comments.
it's a pleasure to read thru your hellos, responses & ideas each day. i
always love seeing what you have to say! and thanks for
playing all the little games and activities on the blog,
for your warm and wonderful emails too!
AND... thanks
so much to all of you lovelies out there who have really
made my day by supporting my little adventures, as dear
sponsors & advertisers of the rikrak studio blog. you
nicies mean the world to me, and i really
appreciate it! (this is my *free-to-my-lovely-sponsors* giveaway! interested in being a sponsor? contact me at rikrakmail at yahoo dot com for more info!) so
with a thankful heart, and a happy focus summer & the joy it brings ...
a little giveaway for all of you!
this summer's WONDERFUL sponsors

a fabulous $25.00 gift certificate
from me to YOU to spend in
ANY ONE OF MY SPONSORS' shops or on their blogs!
that's right...
one lucky winner will get to spend the prize in any of my sponsors' e-shops or blogs!
exciting news, cuties! we're trying something new here on the blog!
after the tremendous success last month of using rafflecopter, it'll be
our fun new giveaway medium! just click away and
follow the instructions! i'll still be using random.org to draw the
if you'd prefer to enter the way you always have
(leaving comments in the notes below instead ) that's superdooper, too!
either way is great with me! i'll put all of them together at the end!
one way to enter is to grab one of my rikrak studio buttons,
like this one for YOUR BLOG! here they are!
and add it to your blog!
{ ... just copy & paste the text in the box above onto your blog sidebar! thanks! }
thanks for playing!
a) it is possible to have numerous entries total per person.
b) please make sure to leave each entry as its own comment. thanks!
c) as always, this giveaway is open to all contestants, worldwide.
d) for this particular giveaway, YOU MUST BE A RIKRAK studio follower or subscriber,
old or new! thanks!
e) the winner of this giveaway will be chosen from random.org on
august 31st, 2012 @ 11:59pm EST.
f) please be sure to leave me an email where i can reach you if your account
doesn't link to one. thanks.
g) thanks so much everyone! and thanks for visiting the blog!
happy summering, sweeties!
stay cool!
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