i just love seeing what folks are collecting. i guess i kind of feel it tells us just a little bit about what inspires them, what they love, and what they choose to surround themselves with in their home. today, i'm delighted to present the first in the rikrak studio's collections series: 10 & a 1/2 quick questions with a wonderful artist on what they're collecting, (apart from their art supplies! ) hope you'll just love "beach pebbles: with the wonderful annarubyking! "...........................................................................................................

who (are you?) : My name is Anna, and I'm an Aussie designer living in Athens, Greece.
what (are you collecting?) : I collect beach pebbles.
when (did you start?) : I think I've been collecting the pebbles as long as I've been living in Greece.
how (many do you have?) 49, but that goes up every time I visit the beach.
what (piece would you like to add?) : I'm starting to think about collecting semi precious stones in general, although I fear that could become an expensive addiction and I should probably stick to the pebbles!
what (‘s an interesting story behind one?) : I have a couple of pebbles that are from an active volcano at the island of Santorini. This volcano is thought to be the one that blew up and destroyed Atlantis.
where (do you find them?) : All the ones I have come from beaches here in Greece, but I wouldn't be opposed to foreign pebbles.
where (do you keep them?) : I have some that sit on my bookshelf, and the rest live in a jar. I need to find a pretty bowl or something for them.
why (do you love them?) : I love how each one is a mini time capsule. I wonder about how they got their holes, their different colours and strange patterns over their long long journeys.
which (one is your favourite?) & why? : I have one that has so many holes, almost like a sponge that became a solid rock. I think it's so beautiful and interesting.
what (else do you collect?) : I have a brooch collection, but that is all. Unless shoes count?

i'm an adoring fan of Anna's beautiful paper arts. in fact, her amazing aceo *the walking birds* was my very first purchase on etsy, and our family just adores those adorable, perfect, designerly birdies! i just love her impeccable sense of balance, colour, space, and the repetition of shape she uses so masterfully in her amazing works!
thanks so much for sharing your glorious beach pebble collection with us, Anna! be sure to visit her beautiful shops to see what handmade items of hers you might like to collect for yourself!
have a personal collection of your own that you might like to share with us? please let me know!

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