update! april 17th, 2012
thanks so much to everyone who has entered!
what an amazing & talented bunch you are!
nominations are now CLOSED.
and YAY you can go VOTE on the judges' SHORTLISTS here!
VOTING ENDS friday, april 27th @ 11:59 pm EST!
thanks again,
please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the fun-filled details & rules on the events!
please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the fun-filled details & rules on the events!
now.. welcome to event 5: please leave comments here nominating:
your favourite nicey/nicies forwarding kindness thru handmaking!
for this event
think of individuals or groups that MAKE a difference in our world thru their handcrafting.
think of folks who handmake kindness.
think of nicies whose craftivism creates change.
think of individuals or groups that MAKE a difference in our world thru their handcrafting.
think of folks who handmake kindness.
think of nicies whose craftivism creates change.
thanks so much to our fabulous judge for this event, the wonderfully creative superstar Jessika Hepburn of Oh My! Handmade. she inspires each and every day with her brilliant knack for building community & supporting creative entrepreneurs in all she does. Jessika's genuine encouragement of the artistic world locally & globally will just thrill you!
find out more about this nicey here!
remember, you can nominate yourself + another in EACH event! PLUS get bonus ballots for twittering, blogging, facebooking & more about the #handmadeolympics! yay!
the amazing PRIZES
the handmade olympics prize packs are just gosh-darn fantastical!
a $50 gift certificate to alex keller
a $50 gift certificate to the rikrak shop
+ an *i WON GOLD* handmade olympics badge to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
+ an *i WON GOLD* handmade olympics badge to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
with $60 worth of handmade goodness:
2 months of advertising {may & june} on the rikrak studio blog : value $60
+ an *i WON SILVER* handmade olympics badge to use on your site/blog/shop
2 months of advertising {may & june} on the rikrak studio blog : value $60
+ an *i WON SILVER* handmade olympics badge to use on your site/blog/shop
one FREE month of may 2012 advertising on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
+ an *i WON bronze* handmade olympics badge to use on your site/blog/shop
PLUS, there will be ONE overall random nomination selected from
all handmade olympics entries ( & extra ballots!) to WIN the FAN PRIZE PACK (a $50.00 shopping spree
in the rikrak shop!)
now check out the other events
+ nominate other fun folks!
+ nominate other fun folks!
happy handmaking, nicies!
** PLEASE NOTE: please make each nomination its own comment! thanks! **
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I'd like to nominate my own blog, www.punkprojects.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love hand making things and giving them away to friends, family and blog readers.
I nominate the Handmade Sneak Attacks Group - http://handmademovement.blogspot.ca/
ReplyDeleteThis is a very kind idea to help new makers!
avideater2202 at gmail dot com
I would like to nominate the D.A.D. project (http://www.etsy.com/shop/theDADproject) - sisters Serena and Emily sell their own artwork and that of many other Canadian makers (who donate their art) to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of their father.
ReplyDeletei nominate craft hope.
it is inspiring that they are able to pull together so many crafters to help out with their projects and it really does show the best of the crafting community.
I would like to nominate Hopeful Threads.
The blog is centered around charity sewing. Nothing she makes or asks for stays with her. Sometimes she's creating bloomers for orphanages, or bibs, or baby blankets and other times she's just asking for help for an entire group of people, like those in Haiti. It's a great blog with a writer who has a big heart. Totally deserving of the nomination.
Wow! Humbled by and grateful for your nomination! Your sweet, sweet words are an encouragement to me! Thanks Danny!
DeleteI would like to nominate Team Eco Etsy, a group of Etsy sellers who strive to educate people about earth-friendly crafts and practices, and who raise funds for non-profits through their annual Earth Day Auction
(full disclosure: I'm a member as well as a fan!)
I would like to also nominate Hello Craft a "non-profit trade association dedicated to the advancement of independent crafters and the handmade movement, as well as empowering small business owners and educating the public to the benefits of buying handmade." They offer invaluable resources and support to crafters, and are all-around awesome people.
(full disclosure: yet another organization of which I am a member and a big fan)
I'd like to nominate the Etsy Italia Team: http://etsyitaliateam.blogspot.it/
ReplyDeleteI'm a member of the EIT, the group is like fresh air. We're trying to teach to our country the value of handmade :)))
Now I'm following your blog (by google friend connect)
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate 'Three Scoops of vanilla' for this category. Erin makes and sells beautiful jewelery and helps animal charities and rescues through online auction parties a few times per week.
ReplyDeleteShe creates special pieces for each party of which 50% OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO THAT DAYS GROUP AND 25% OF ALL WEB SALES OF HER REGULAR product line sold on that day...From dogs, cats, donkeys and horses she is there for all groups, worldwide. It is amazing the support and the money she raises.
Through her generous and kind heart, her quality of work and customer service along with her acute business savvy she has found a way to be successful and make a difference in the lives of animals and the people who try to save them. She also raises awareness for these groups and causes by the popularity of her auctions.
I am really impressed, glad to call her a friend and she is a glowing example of how living the creative life can make a difference with the connection you can make with people and their desire to make a purchase that has meaning.
such wonderful folks! such inspiring nominations, nicies! thanks
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Craft Hope. They're just wonderful. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Craft-Hope/105243509513568
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Rachael and her blog Imagine Gnats (http://www.imaginegnats.com).
ReplyDeleteFirst off, she's just the sweetest, friendliest person. She is constantly contributing to handmade projects geared toward charity or community-building. She regularly donates her handmade items to From The Heart Auctions, she participates in Do Good Stitches, she founded The Cover Robin (a handmade gift exchange), she found the One Stop Giveaway Shop, and she's always helping out!
Rachael rocks!
thank you, Jenny! especially coming from you that's quite an honor :)
DeleteAfter the death of their young son, Tiggy, Dana Hanley and her family asked people to give to Tiny Hands International, a charity working in Asia to help rescue children from the horrors of child sex trafficking. Inspired by their response, and encouraged by her mom who wanted to do more, they set out to raise $50,000 for Tiny Hands International so that they could build home for children. The home would be named Tiggy's House, in honor of her son.
ReplyDeleteTo that end she's started Tiggy's House etsy shop--where all the profits from items purchased are donated to help build Tiggy's House. The jewelery there is beautiful, and reasonably priced...a place I am very happy to suggest to others. She also sells her jewelery (made by her and her mother) at craft fairs, and has involved several other small shops who are donating a percentage to the cause. As of January they had raised $13,211.75 towards that goal. I am inspired by Dana Hanley and Tiggy's House...what she is doing shows how much one family can do to help make our world a better place!
Tiggy's House Shop:
About Tiggy's House
i nominate etsyitaliateam.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI nominate the Resurrection Fern Blog - http://resurrectionfern.typepad.com/resurrection_fern/
ReplyDeleteShe spreads a tidbit of kindness in every post.
Thanks for hosting,
I'd like to nominate my business, Peru Paper Company (https://www.perupaper.com/cart/). All of our products are handmade in Peru from handmade, recycled paper. The company was started to provide employment to Peruvian women living in impoverished communities. The whole purpose of our company is to bring Peruvian families & communities out of poverty through meaningful employment that produces beautiful products. You can read the short version of our story here: https://www.perupaper.com/cart/pages/Our-Story.html
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate my business, Peru Paper Company (https://www.perupaper.com/cart/). The purpose of our business is to bring Peruvian families & communities out of poverty through meaningful employment that produces beautiful products. We produce and sell high-quality, handmade stationery and paper products from recycled materials, employing underprivileged and marginalized women in Peru who would otherwise not have the opportunity to make a livable wage to support their families. We strive for our business to be economically and environmentally sustainable, while maintaining our social goals of improving the lives of the Peruvian women we employ.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate mine and my Mother's company FingerTips...http://www.fingertipsdesigns.co.uk
ReplyDeleteWe have helped raise funds for many charities and communtiy groups while giving confidence to children of all ages and abilities.
We want to get everyone creating, one fingerprint at a time!
The Concept Behind FingerTips:
From an early age I have always enjoyed Art and my relationship with Art has always been a healthy one. I realised early on in my life, while trying to cope with my dyslexia, that Art was a language in its' own right and a way I could be heard while trying to figure out the baffling English language!
A creative mind is not a linear one. Therefore, to stop me from digressing, if you would like to read more about our relationship with Art, please read my Article - 'I can't draw'
Let’s go back to basics....with our finger...no I have not gone mad you can really create refined Art with your fingerprint. In fact it is what our company FingerTips concept is based on!
I have created many designs and products where the recipient’s fingerprint brings the Artwork to life.
FingerTips is a tool for people to reconnect, in a positive way, with Art and have fun in the process. Once you have seen the amazing Art you can create with your fingerprint in a simple but effective way hopefully you will have gained some faith and confidence in your ability too create!
FingerTips Designs are suitable for all ages and abilities.
I would like to nominate Toto Knits- a scial enterprise based in Nairobi, Kenya employing single mothers to make organic cotton knits for children- www.totoknitsshop.com. Our knitters are paid by the piece so they can work as much or as little as they like, letting them put family first. We bring the work to them so they are not wasting time or money on transport. Using traditional skills, we are able to employ undereducated women who may not be able to find other work.
ReplyDeleteTrashN2Tees is a handmade business, chock full of nicies! My mission is to encourage and inspire others to consume less & recycle more. I like to think I do this. Here's how:
ReplyDelete- The TNT blog (http://trashn2tees.blogspot.com) is dedicated to sharing tips & tutorials that encourage you reuse and recreate.
- I've been able to use TrashN2Tees as a platform to discuss & educate the world (online & directly in my community) the importance of clothing & textile recycling.
- TNT has established a clothing recycling program called, TrashN2Cash where I accept your unwanted/stained/worn out clothing & use them for repurposing. I often receive items that are still usable and those are donated to terrific organizations like Dress for Success, womans shelters, and local aid projects.
- Through TrashN2Tees I've been able to make donations, partnerships, and raise awareness for various (amazing) causes including Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, March for Dimes, Autism Speaks, and various Craft Hope Projects -recently sending bracelets to orphans in Russian in honor of my Facebook fans!
- Lastly, I practice what I preach. TNT uses recyclable biodegradable mailers, recycled paper products, streamlined packaging (no fillers), I ship directly from home. Though I strive to use the clothing materials completely- I sometimes have scraps. These are bundled and sent to clothing recycling facilities.
If anyone deserves a nomination here, it is Craft Hope!! So much goodness & love!
ReplyDeleteCraft Hope is a love inspired project designed to share handmade crafts with those less fortunate. It is their hope to combine our love for crafting and desire to help others into a project to make a difference around the world.
Craft Hope is run by Jade Laswell from her home in a sleepy little town just outside of Austin, Texas. While juggling four kids and a laptop, we are changing lives!
Every few weeks they announce a new project, some of the projects they've coordinated included sending wash cloths to Gulf after the oil spill (to help clean marine life), the current project is making caps & bags that will be sent to cancer patients.
I would like to nominate my blog PagingSupermom.com. We design and share printable worksheets, realistic craft projects (for adults and kids), handmade home decor projects, plus loads of other ideas for holidays, birthday parties and even making everyday meals special.
ReplyDeletePagingSupermom.com's mission is to encourage Moms everywhere to channel their inner super hero and create more Supermom Moments. That is what my friend and co-blogger Aimee and I would call the times when we felt like we'd done something particularly great -- whether it was throwing a killer birthday bash, making homemade jam or just simple having a home cooked meal ready in time for dinner. The whole idea for our blog started as Aimee and I would discuss these so-called "Supermom Moments" during our childrens' playdates.
Being a Mom is one of the toughest jobs in the world. As mommy-hood goes, many super moments are followed by others that are not so super, but we think every mom has her Supermom Moments. By arming mothers with ideas, tips and advice, we hope our blog will help Moms everywhere to fight off or, at the very least, laugh off those inferior moments and inspire more Supermom Moments.
I realize there are a lot of honorable causes in the world, but truly few things can do more good than encouraging mothers to make their homes and children happier, healthier and more inspired!