love beautiful, inspiring blogs?
want to promote your wonderful handmade shop?
well it's your lucky day!
the amazing kanelstrand blog : organic living - is the creative work of superstar sonya. i love how she describes the blog; " My name is Sonya and I live with my family in a pine forest by the sea. ... I believe that people and nature can co-exist together in a healthy and inspiring union without harming each other. That is why I strive for natural balance, sustainable living and honest relationship between humanity and the Earth." love it, nicey!
and everyday sonja's does just that with her blog, filled with ideas on eco-friendly and organic living, green and simple lifestyle ideas, Scandinavian living, photography, creative tutorials, DIYs, and how to market your creative business.

be sure to check out her MOST POPULAR POSTS:
- On a Quest to Simplify: Declutter Your RSS
- On a Quest to Simplify: Do You Really Need a Smartphone
- Commercial vs Open Online Learning
- Weekend DIY: The Pants Bowl
- Weekend DIY: How to Felt a Bracelet
- Big Brands Are Killing Us Softly
- Cleaning the Oceans from Plastic - Mission Impossible?
- Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants
- Build a House With Whole Trees and Save the Forest
- The Three "R"s in Reducing Household Waste
or the fabulous guides she's compiled:
and as a special treat,
sonya is offering one lucky reader
3 months of FREE advertising
(that's a $60 value!)
sonya is offering one lucky reader
3 months of FREE advertising
(that's a $60 value!)
a great way to promote your fabulous business & be part of something wonderful!
follow sonya everywhere!
1. visit the glorious kanelstrand blog & leave a comment there on your favourite post.
come back here and tell us.
= 1 entry
2. in the spirit of the kanelstrand blog, tell us one SIMPLE & good thing you try to do everyday.
= 1 entry4. follow BOTH sonya {she's @kanelstrand } AND the rikrak shop (that's me! @therikrakshop ) on twitter
... & tell us.
= 1 entry
5. tweet on twitter
... about this giveaway and come back here and tell us! be sure to include @therikrakshop so i can find you!
= 1 entry PER DAY
= 1 entry PER DAY
6. heart/fave the lovely kanetstrand shop on etsy.
= 1 entry
... & tell us.
= 1 entryyou can become a google friend connect *follower* by clicking "follow" on the top left of the blog home page OR subscribe via email or *reader* on the left hand column.
8. blog about this giveaway
... come back and tell us.
= 1 entry
9. grab one of my rikrak studio buttons
and add it to your blog!
{ ... just copy & paste the text in the box above onto your blog sidebar! thanks! } 10. :: PLEASE NOTE ::
each entry must be its own comment.
thanks! ::
:: RULES ::
b) please make sure to leave each entry as its own comment. thanks!
c) using random.org, 1 winner of the kanelstrand giveaway will be chosen on friday, november 18th @ 11pm EST.
d) open to contestants worldwide.
e) please be sure to leave me an email where i can reach you if your account doesn't link to one. thanks.
Pin It
I commented on the November in Norway post -- just gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteGood thing I do everyday -- when I take a walk around the lake, I make a point to say hello and smile at each person I pass on the path.
ReplyDeleteI'm following you both on twitter as @laalicia
ReplyDeleteI commented on the ocean bacteria and plastic post; it was incredibly informative.
ReplyDeleteOne simple and good thing I try to do everyday is a little bit of housework. Whether it's dishes or dusting, it's incredible how much it helps when you do it bit by bit.
ReplyDeleteI follow the kanelstrand blog on Google Reader.
ReplyDeleteI'm following both on Twitter now too!
ReplyDeleteI added the shop to my favorites -- love the use of natural fibres.
ReplyDeleteI added the shop to my favorites -- love the use of natural fibres.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I'm already following rikrak studio blog in blogger.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I put a button up; okay, I'm done, I swear!
ReplyDeleteI commented on Ocean Bacteria Migth CleaN The Oceans From Plastic. Very insightful post, it definitely changed my perspective! :)
ReplyDeleteOne good thing I try to do everyday is to do something nice for another person- whether that's letting them go in front of me in line, or pick up the tab for their coffee, one nice thing can really change someone's day. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm now following Kanelstrand Blog via GFC
ReplyDeleteI follow RikRak blog via GFC!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI favourites Kanelstrand's Etsy shop.
ReplyDelete- ModernButtercup on Etsy
I just left a comment for the post on baking soda. One of my favorite things!
ReplyDeleteMy simple and good thing I do every day is snuggling with my daughter at bedtime. I used to get stressed out that she wouldn't go to sleep on her own, but now it's become a wonderful, calming part of my daily routine.
ReplyDeleteI am following both of you Twitter feeds from @sadiebess_vintg
ReplyDeleteI hearted your Etsy shop.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYour button is on my blog at http://sadiebessvintage.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI am following RikRak Studio through GFC.
ReplyDeleteI am also following the Kanelstrand blog through GFC.
ReplyDeleteI have commented on several of Sonya's post, one of my favorites was On a Quest to Simplify: Declutter your RSS.
ReplyDeleteOne simple thing that I do, instead of using plastic water bottles I use the glass bottles tea comes pull off the labels and fill them with water. I have a whole fridge of them so their is always cold water. After someone uses them they can easily be washed and used again.
ReplyDeleteI am a long time and very happy follower of Kanelstrand blog via RSS.
ReplyDeleteI am a long time follower of kanelstrand on Twitter and now a thrilled to be a follower of therikrakshop.
ReplyDeleteI love all her bangles and this bangle is a wonderful color with lots of great details. http://www.etsy.com/listing/75694297/ruby-red-organic-bowl-alafoss-lopi
ReplyDeleteI am now following rikrakstudio blog's RSS feed.
ReplyDeleteI commented on the Scandinavian Autumn - November in Norway post.
I try to simply help out with anything I can.If its for family,friends,or others.
Follow the Kanelstrand blog via GFC under Berendina Dykema
Following @kanelstrandand and @therikrakshop
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hearted kanetstrand shop on etsy.Under Berendina Dykema
Following the rikrak studio blog. Under Berendina Dykema
Put a rikrak studio button on my blog.Side bar under blogs I follow.
Love "November in Norway"
I read to my baby a book a day!
Following on Twitter
I commented on this post:
:) debyeo at hotmail dot com
I follow you both on Twitter - dspdavey.
ReplyDeletedebyeo at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog via GFC.
ReplyDeletedebyeo at hotmail dot com
I'm a big fan of both Sonya and her blog.
ReplyDeleteYou can't help but comment on her blog. There's always something of interest!
I try to conserve as much water as possible.
ReplyDeleteI always use water from washing vegetables to water the plants or do something else that needs clean water but not necessarily drinkable water.
I follow both of you on twitter.
ReplyDeleteHearted kanelstrad's lovely shop!
ReplyDeleteFollowed you both on twitter!
ReplyDeleteEvery day I appreciate the beauty in nature and everything around us.
ReplyDeleteleft a comment on the blog. thanks!
ReplyDeleteI left a comment on the post "on a quest to simplify - slow down"
ReplyDeletea simple & good thing i do every day? i'm working on being an intuitive eater (listening to my body for when it's hungry or full to know when to eat or stop). this simplifies my life, brings me closer to being mindful everyday, and keeps from wasting food.
ReplyDeletenow following @kanelstrand (already following @therikrakshop)
ReplyDeleteI am now following via Google Friend Connect.
ReplyDeleteI hearted Kanelstrand on Etsy
ReplyDeleteWhat a great blog! Loving all the informations and DIY creative ideas. I already left a comment on her baking soda post which I find very enlightening and informative. :)
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of stray cats around my office area and my neighborhood. Everyday when I walk pass or drive pass, I try to check if all of them are alright and if they need medical attention or food. Once I rescued a cat who had a serious case of mange, nursed her back to health and now she lives with me. :)
ReplyDeleteFollowed Kanelstrand via GFC :)
ReplyDeleteFollowed both your Twitter :)
ReplyDeleteTweeted here!
Hearted kanelstrand on Etsy :)
ReplyDelete- skyejuice
I love the Kanelstrand organic blog and would love to have a space there!
ReplyDeleteI commented on the 25th August 2011 post about big-name brands and toxins. Awesome post.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
One simple thing I do every day is to make something myself (whether a craft/sewing project or a simple soup). It reminds me of the effort that goes into making so many of the things we take for granted as cheap and disposable (while the truth is that the people who make them are often treated as cheap and disposable).
ReplyDeleteI follow Kanelstrand Organic Living through GFC
ReplyDeleteI follow you both on twitter as @theowlclub
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/#!/theowlclub/status/136757593052950530
ReplyDeleteI happily hearted Kanelstrand on Etsy
ReplyDeleteI discovered your blog through this giveaway and I'm now following through blogger, I look forward to seeing more!
ReplyDeleteI commented on the smartphone article.
ReplyDeletefec527 at hotmail dot com
I recycle and reuse as much as I can everyday. Everything can have mulptiple uses.
ReplyDeletefec527 at hotmail dot com
I follow Kanelstrand blog.
ReplyDeletefec527 at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog.
ReplyDeletefec527 at hotmail dot com
I've been following her blog for a while now. :) I commented on the November Norway post. I love her photography!
ReplyDeleteI try to come up with cool and simple re-purposing ideas.
ReplyDeleteFollowing the Kanelstrand blog via GFC.
ReplyDeleteI already follow you both on twitter. :)
ReplyDeletefaved the lovely kanetstrand shop on etsy
ReplyDeleteSonya, I have a few entries here:)
ReplyDelete1) commented on your post about chunky scarves fashion
2)I follow the blog via GFC
ReplyDelete3) I have joined u on both your twitter accounts:)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted @kanelstrand and @therikrakshop abt the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI have your shop in my faves already:)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog. :)
ReplyDeleteblogged: http://www.heartinghandmade.com/2011/11/cute-giveaways-this-week-2.html :)
ReplyDeleteI have your button. :)
ReplyDeletethe how to make an endless candle post was pretty awesome!! I always use candles!
ReplyDeleteCerena Leigh
I always do one nice act for a stranger a day. From just smiling at someone, to holding the door, giving money to salvation army, sending care packages to soldiers, etc.
ReplyDeleteCerena Leigh