Thursday, January 13, 2011

photo essay: the winter trees we see


psst: i've got a monochromatic secret.
i'm in love with the soft brown plant-detritus that peeks out in the bleak midwinter landscape. in between snowcarpets, there is that gorgeous wheat-huedness that languishes on the backroads of our drives home here. 
i love it.

 one particular roadtrip a week or so ago and the light was that perfect flat january-in-the-north tone where everything looked grey and taupe and white. i love that.

i know the solace of such days is the foe of some. but that leafless tree stillness inspires me.

so from the passenger seat: a few snapshots of the trees we see.

what seasonal scenes inspire you,  lovelies?
what do you see on your way home?

{all images by me: kristal davis / rikrak 2011}


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  1. These are absolutely exquisite Kristal! Makes me want to go for a winter drive...

  2. Gorgeous photos, K! I usually think of this season as dreary, but you might have twisted my arm.

  3. I love winter scenes - your pictures are wonderful.

  4. Your shots are awesome! Love the vintage feeling. Snow is melting down here. Rain instead.

  5. Wow, these images are breathtaking, Kristal. I am so impressed.

    My journey home from work involves clattering through the grey old city and tunnels and that weird bleak corridor that all train tracks seem to attract. And then, in my car, I drive five minutes from the station and it is a whole new world. Green bush surrounds me and the smell of eucalyptus makes me think 'home'. x

  6. I heart trees. I have always told my mother that I loved trees in the winter time. She would tell me that is depressing, but to me they are showing us all of their beautiful glory at that time. You can see the tree, the shape, each branch. It's so silently beautiful to me.

  7. Love the pictures, I am experiencing my first real winter here in VA. Thanks for influencing my attitude, here's what our part of the world looks like these days

  8. beautiful scenes xx

  9. thanks lovelies.
    so nice to read your going home tales, too.

    have a great weekend!

  10. oh such lovely images! i love the bleak landscape in photos, but sometimes the winter gets to be a little too long... :)


thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!