update! feb. 5, 2011
thanks so much to everyone who has entered!
what an amazing & talented bunch you are!
nominations are now CLOSED.
your nominations have been sent to the judges, and we look forward to the revealing of their short lists (on feb. 14th!) , after which everyone (that's YOU!) will have a chance to vote on who will WIN! yay!
thanks again,
please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the fun-filled details & rules on the events!
please see the MAIN handmade olympics post for all of the fun-filled details & rules on the events!
now.. welcome to event 5: please leave a comment here nominating:
your favourite nicey/nicies forwarding kindness thru handmaking!
for this eventyour favourite nicey/nicies forwarding kindness thru handmaking!
think of individuals or groups that MAKE a difference in our world thru their handcrafting.
think of folks who handmake kindness.
think of nicies whose craftivism creates change.

thanks so much to our wonderful judge for this event, the inspiring + always encouraging craftivist Amanda Oaks of Kind Over Matter.
find out more about this nicey here.
find out more about this nicey here.
remember, you can nominate yourself + another in EACH event! PLUS get bonus ballots for twittering, blogging + facebooking about the handmadeolympics! yay!
the amazing PRIZES
valued at OVER $2000.00 USD, the handmade olympics prize packs are just gosh-darn fantastical!
valued at OVER $2000.00 USD, the handmade olympics prize packs are just gosh-darn fantastical!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!
:: a GOLD prize pack
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to ikabags
a $50 gift certificate to too aquarius
a $50 gift certificate to the creations by eve
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to ikabags
a $50 gift certificate to too aquarius
a $50 gift certificate to the creations by eve
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!
:: a SILVER prize pack with $110.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to inspire me gifts
a $50 gift certificate to inspire me gifts
2 months (march & april) of advertising on the rikrak studio blog: value $60
:: a BRONZE prize pack
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertising on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertising on the rikrak studio blog! yay!
and of course, there will be ONE overall random nomination selected from all handmade olympics to
WIN the FAN PRIZE PACK (a $50.00 shopping spree in the rikrak shop!)
WIN the FAN PRIZE PACK (a $50.00 shopping spree in the rikrak shop!)
now check out the other events + nominate more fun folks!
just click on the above links to enter each!
happy handmaking, nicies!
happy handmaking, nicies!
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If you don't already know about the beauty that Liv Lane creates over at Choosing Beauty http://www.etsy.com/shop/choosingbeauty
ReplyDeletethen it's time you meet and greet this wonderful, wise, way creative woman who uses her art to spread the word; beauty is all around us... we just must stop, breathe, and look!!!
That's nothin' but kindness in the highest form!
I would like to nominate the very lovely Mayi Carles of Heartmade http://www.heartmadeblog.com/ she is so friendly, creative and engaging. Her site is a great resource for handmade artists & appreciators. Her cheerful site makes you leave happy & inspired every single time.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate Joyce of Bags 4 Dafur. She reuses fabrics by making them into bags, sells them and donates the proceeds to aid people in camps in Darfur. http://bags4darfur.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI posted a link to my facebook page to this event.
ReplyDeleteWe blogged about the 2011 Handmade Olympics!
I nominate the Project Embrace Etsy Team. My sister-in-law told me about them last year and I'm impressed with the warmth they spead.
ReplyDeleteYou can find them here http://www.etsy.com/teams/5893/etsy-project-embrace
Thank you!
I would love to nominate Maya from Mayamade...she is such a warm & kind soul and constantly trying to make the world a better place with her lovingly made crafts and finding new purposes for old things.
Maya's link: http://mayamade.blogspot.com/
I love everything that Wheatfield creates - it's filled with love and great messages, beautiful art.
ReplyDeleteHow about this - http://www.etsy.com/listing/65290973/teach-love
I would love to donate the Sneakers from the Handmade Movement: http://www.handmademovement.com/
ReplyDeleteHere's what they do: It's a way to support independent artisans who are trying to sell their wares online. Two days a week at an appointed time, an Etsy shop with few or no sales is announced on this site. As many people as possible then buy items from that shop, resulting in a frenzy of surprise business to the unsuspecting shop!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/JoyCharde/status/28121697399873536
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Artisans Gallery Team on Etsy for the excellent effort in promoting high quality handmade and excellence in handmade design:
and here:
I would like to nominate DeShawn Marie Handmade Soap. Just for the fact that I have always had consistently the most wonderful experience with her products, her communications and interaction as a fellow seller. DeShawn rocks! :) http://www.etsy.com/shop/DeShawnMarie
ReplyDeleteI would also encourage you to look at my shop too. :) I specialize in recycled silver handmade jewelry, but my most favorite and most numerous customers are wedding couples. Nothing gives me more joy then to make a very special thing for a very special date. :)
I'm very impressed by House 21, a German shop with wonderful handmade items. The owner donates everything she earns and shipping is free, even internationally!
Since you've given the green light, I'm going to blushingly nominate myself. I began do. Good Stitches {a charity bee} in 2010 and continue to organize and promote this virtual quilting bee that makes quilts for needy children local and worldwide. You can find more at http://www.stitchedincolor.com/p/do-good-stitches.html.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate Toni of Make it Perfect for organising the QLD Flood Auctions Master List to raise money for the Queensland flood victims in Australia. A massive effort to coordinate crafters to auction off goods and promote the sale.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate Jessika Hepburn and Oh My! Handmade - http://www.ohmyhandmade.com.
ReplyDeleteJessika is creating a community where talented, creative, inovative and amazing crafters can share their art, products and inspirations. She is creating a place that not only promotes businesses but is an outlet for people to create community with each other. It's a place of beauty and inspiration and it brings me joy reading the various contributors who share their talents and their passions for creating pretty things.
I'd like to nominate INgrid from 'Ingthings'. A dutch lady that has a beautiful blog where she shares heaps of handmade and vintage finds. And not only that, she is generous with tutorials and always giving things away from her stash. She makes beautiful pictures and just always manages to put a smile on your face with her posts.
ReplyDeleteThe blog is in Dutch which might be a bit hard for English readers but the pictures quite often tell a 1000 words!
I'm sorry, but I can't keep myself from smiling when I read the comment above, from ArtMind...
ReplyDeleteYou see, I was coming here to nominate her and for some of the reasons she gives to nominate Ingrid.
Let us see: "And not only that, she is generous with tutorials and always giving things away from her stash. She makes beautiful pictures and just always manages to put a smile on your face with her posts." <- yes. That's why I nominate Mitsy, from ArtMind http://artmind-etcetera.blogspot.com/
And also, I met her in person. I have to tell you SHE IS genuinely kind and good. One of the best people I met in our big cuddly crafty community.
I'd like to nominate AttackoftheCraft.com. Our forum has been active in charities for many years. We run a charity shop on Etsy (craftanon4Charity.etsy.com, only recently on hiatus) where we've donated and sold handmade items to raise money for Susan G. Komen for a Cure, Make a Wish Foundation, Wildlife Victoria, and more.
ReplyDeleteOur forum is a close knit community of friends who have donated time, handmade goods, and even money to help whenever one of our own is need. One of our members lost her job right at Christmastime, and had to return the gifts she'd bought for her 8 year old son - including a bike. Our forum banded together and raised almost $400 to help this member. We also replaced that bike ;)
I would like to nominate Crafterall.etsy.com for her generosity, constant support of my work by consistently recycling through my shop (for nearly 2 years now!) GreenPost.etsy.com
ReplyDeleteand for helping me promote my mission to recycle as much paper as possible.
Crafterall is the definition of kindness!
Thanks for such a fun event!
ReplyDeleteBlogged: theurbanhen.blogspot.com
I'd like to nominate the Toy Society
for their work in spreading kindness while they spread handmaking, too!
One of the greatest kind craftivists I know is Operation Nice - http://www.operationnice.com/.
ReplyDeleteThe blog is filled with meaningful and inspiring ideas and words.
It gets my vote!
I would like to nominate Christina and team Bamboletta of Bamboletta Dolls. Have you seen the amazing auction she organized for little baby Molly? It's going on right now. Christina and her team are so wonderful. Her dolls are pure sweetness, just like her.
I would like to nominate Christina and Team Bamboletta from Bamboletta dolls. Have you seen the auction she organized for baby Molly that is goin on right now? Christina and her team are so kind and wonderful. Their dolls are pure sweetness, just like them!!
I would like to nominate Christina and team Bamboletta of Bamboletta Dolls. Have you seen the amazing auction she organized for little baby Molly? It's going on right now. Christina and her team are so wonderful. Her dolls are pure sweetness, just like her.
I nominate Woman Craft, a Chicago-based non-profit that teaches women eco-friendly crafting and employment skills. http://womancraft.net/
ReplyDeleteI wanted to nominate another Chicago-based organization, Enterprising Kitchen, which taught women to make bath and body products, while providing them with job skills. However, it appears they have shut down – a victim of the economy.
I'll also nominate my own store, in that I donate 10% of gross sales to non-profits that help people and the planet. http://herbanlifestyle.etsy.com
I would like to nominate rosebudlips. Her work is not only beautiful but she contributes to Set Hope Free, an organization that helps women abused through human trafficking and forced labor.
I nominate Rock My World Inc.... their Forget-me-knot ring is not only adorable, it also benefits their local human society
megancrose at gmail dot com
I would like to nominate Toy Society. http://thetoysociety.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI facebooked this.
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate myself
ReplyDeletewith my passion made out of fabrics & paper
I nominate Sunday Afternoon Housewife - http://sundayafternoonhousewife.com/blog/
ReplyDeleteNot only does she create Lovelies herself, but keeps a great blog to help other creatives!
In this event I'm nominating the SAHM of Etsy group. We have 139 members and we have a Facebook Fan Page that we use to post great mom tips, recipes, crafts, and info for our followers.
I'm also nominating Olive Smiles. She has a great fan site where she really gives her time and energy to support handmade. Especially artists who are new and need some support.
I Facebooked at SAHM of Etsy fan page.
I tweeted #sillybluehippo
I blogged www.artfire.mysillybluehippo.blog.com
I follow Rikrak Studio.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!
Brandie Larsen www.mysillybluehippo.etsy.com
I like the work of the Etsy for Charity Team - http://www.etsy.com/teams/6364/etsy-for-charity
ReplyDeleteI would like to nominate Erika Price, she makes beautiful jewelry and donates all of the proceeds to charity http://www.etsy.com/shop/ErikaPrice?ga_search_query=erikaprice&ga_search_type=seller_usernames
ReplyDeleteand I would also like to nominate Lisa(in lieu of myself, please)she is always designing jewelry with other people in mind, like the Haiti relief necklace you can buy on her blog right now http://www.studiojewel.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much for this great opportunity!
Although, I'm not sure my blog stands up to some of the other nominees, I'm working on a project to spread joy to special children. I'd love for you guys to check it out! See my Nicholas Crowns.
I nominate http://www.etsy.com/people/Stuffbysteph77# - working through considerable health challenges of her own, her shop profits go to various local charities & organizations. She is an inspiration and a wonderful selfless person.
ReplyDeleteI nominate Monica from Happy Zombie:
ReplyDeleteshe is just full of wit, charm, & support for everyone.