Monday, September 10, 2012

great green-ies: singapore's solar powered supertrees


have you seen the new supertrees of singapore
a magical solar-powered canopy of artificial tall *trees* towering over the urban seaside.

i'm fascinated by the lovely design & shape,  & intrigued by the green-li-ness of the project. the tree-towers also convert sunlight into usable energy, collect rainwater for reuse and act as air-vent ducts for nearby conservatories. cool!

(& you know how i love vertical gardens & that vertical forest!)

what do you think? yay or nay?
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  1. Nay. I prefer the real thing! Though I can appreciate them as art!

    1. agreed! the real things are better - but yes to that design! :) thanks m.

  2. I love them. Bold and structural in a city always thrill my design sense!


thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!