Tuesday, January 13, 2009


oh my goodness! it's going to be a wee bit chilly out today in the nation's capital! brrrrr! (it's rumoured to be headed to a balmy -32°C by Thursday - so i won't complain too much yet!) but it certainly is lovely out there! the hues remind me of these handmade beauties...
seen above:
stay warm!
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  1. Oh your blog is so pretty, RikRak! I think Emmarts paintings are beautiful. Thanks for the introduction! Hope things are going well in Ottawa.

  2. It doesn't look BRRRRR at all, rikrak - just beautifully cosy! Thanks for the inclusion of Labrador to your creamy collage.
    Greetings from 'warm' (5°) Vancouver.

  3. Wow, I am honored to be featured in such good company! Thank you for including my Plain Jane Hat :)

  4. beauties, indeed!

    I tell ya, you never cease to make me smile.

    THANK YOU for being so kind :)


thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!