Thursday, June 23, 2011

what are we reading? {part 3}


sure has been a busy week here: renewing my crush on a mannequin, giving away lots of fun prizes, excitedly getting ready for summer & remembering our first art & celebrating my little sweetie's birthday!!

so let's cheer our thursday by taking a little break, and hear what you're reading these days.
tell us {&  what do you think of it so far?}

hope your day is filled with yummy tales, nicies!


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  1. I've finally moved on from a book that I just couldn't get into! I started Janet Fitch's Paint It Black the other night. I'm only 3 chapters in, but so far I love it! It's dark in subject, but very engaging.

  2. how lovely! always such a treat to come back to your wonderful blog full of goodies! xoxo

  3. I'm reading Jodi Picoult's newest Sing You Home. I love her books!!!

  4. good for you to move on from the other one, kristi!

    happy reading somekind & tess!

  5. Happy birthday to your little guy!

    I'm reading a series of Pride and Prejudice variations... can never get enough of Mr. Darcy!

  6. I just finished reading Water for Elephants again... read it when it first came out a few years ago, loved it, and doubly loved it this second time. I find it so beautiful and heartbreaking.

  7. Our book club is reading Tina Fey's Bossypants. Everyone loves her and I've just started but it's hilarious and touching. A++

  8. Hi:) I just started KIM by Rudyard Kipling. I'ts a very good story so far. I personally love stories set in India.

  9. thanks so much, designed. good golly that mr. darcy!

    happy reading sweetie angie!

    so glad, leslie!

    me too, sara. :)

  10. Getting Stoned with Savages by J. Maarten Troost. He's a really funny travel writer. His wife is sent the different places in the world on her job (third world) and he writes about the experiences and culture. Very funny.

  11. Currently reading: "Quantum theory cannot hurt you"- an introduction to quantum theory (horrible title, isn't it? but so far, I love it - it's wonderfully written, very comprehensible, and not at all for 'dummies'!), "In the Studio: Visits with Contemporary Cartoonists" (utterly interesting for every creative) and Bertrand Russles' "The Conquest of Happiness" (I found a wonderful vintage edition in a small bookstore in Vancouver. It's a great book, difficult to argue with Russel :) I just started it...)
    I can recommend all 3!

  12. INSOMNIA by Stephen King...finding it a bit slow, but now that i'm over the 300 page mark, seems to be picking up a bit. I'm mixed on his books, some I love, like my fav The Dark Half, and some blah like Dolores Claiborne...

    Your picture: YAY for Atlas Shrugged - it is one of my favorites!!

  13. oh i just LOVE hearing what you're all reading, sweeties! lovely!

  14. still plugging away at my Classical Chinese Poetry anthology. so great!

  15. Oh, an addition - while working, I'm listening to the audio version of “The Man Who Lied To His Laptop”,by Clifford Nass - a study about the impact of praise and positive or negative criticism on human behaviour and learning. It's utterly interesting.

  16. so happy you're loving it, mr. rikrak :)

    and daria - that sounds super fascinating! i'm gonna look that up!


thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!