happy monday, sweeties!
hope everyone had a great celebratory weekend!

let's start things off with a congrats shout out to our latest funfun giveaway winner!
thanks to everyone who entered the amazing woodland sampler giveaway pack by handcrafter lil fish studios!
random.org gave us winning #121 - amanda eileen - verabelle on etsy. what a fun shop! filled with bright & beautiful redesigned vintage clothing and orignal art!
go take a peek! love it.
congrats verabelle.
and fear not, lovelies!
a new giveaway is just minutes away... (woohoo!)
and there's still a couple of days left to WIN the fabulous red marionette prize pack!
zipppee! Pin It
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thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!