Monday, October 31, 2011

the *bought* halloween costume


last week little rikrak sat us down.
we could tell by his serious demeanor that this was important stuff.

"mom...." (he nods knowingly toward me)
"dad...." (he gestures to mr. rikrak)

(i'm beginning to sense he may have practiced the speech in the mirror a few times..)
 he draws in a BIG, deep breath.
"this year i want a *bought* halloween costume."
and so goes the funny tale of being a handmaking-obsessed mom.

parents, aunts, uncles, friends of wee ones ... you know how it is...  since the time little rikrak was born we've tried to make him fun homemade halloween costumes. he's been an array of cute painstakingly-sewn together outfits, and a mix of practically-stapled-together-at-the-last-minute-as-we-fly-out-the-door DIYers. and now... he's wanting to show his own personality by choosing a store-bought outfit. love it.

life's funny that way, huh?

well after oodles of far-too-gory hunts at the shops last week, we finally all agreed on a fun costume. he had the great idea to add a few creative, personalized touches (that-a-boy!) and the finished look is a fabulous one!

how do you feel when your little handmade-raised cuties long for store-bought goodness?
i'll confess - i think we all yearn for a little something *bought* sometimes. 
i know i do, as much as i adore handmade.
& i'm wisely reminded today:  *all things in moderation.*

{ ps: the mommy in me thinks it so sweet & adorable he was concerned how we'd take it! }
happy parenting,  halloween cuties!
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Friday, October 28, 2011

the quintessential autumny weekend!


well it's one of those classic weekends of the whole year here.

the weekend we rake & jump & play in the autumn leaves, watch game 7 of the fabulous baseball world series, make caramel apples, carve the jack-o-lanterns, put the finishing touches on our halloween costumes.... you know... the quintessential autumny, end-o-october weekend. can't wait!

hope you have a great one, sweeties.
what will you be up to?

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

a gorgeous giveaway with phul effect

hip & fabulous, i just love the modern-eclectic vibe at the statement jewelry wonderland PHUL EFFECT. designer crysten glawe reworks gorgeous vintage elements & creates trendsetting eco-concious art-to-wear that any fashionista will just adore!

so if you love vintage, geometric, hipster, edgy , *be your own star* uniqueness, be sure to visit everything PHUL EFFECT! 


and now.. you can WIN your very own PHUL EFFECT prize pack filled 
with gorgeous jewelry! (& there's a discount code, too!)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lucky us... <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
one rikrak studio reader will WIN this amazing PHUL EFFECT prize pack, valued at $40! 



use the coupon code 
for 20% off 
your phul effect etsy shop
purchase. expires december 31!

each entry must be its own comment.

1. visit the beautiful PHUL EFFECT shop on etsy.
tell us what your favourite item is.
=   1 entry

2. heart/fave the PHUL EFFECT shop on etsy.
...  & tell us.
=   1 entry

3. become a friend/ like PHUL EFFECT on facebook.
...  & tell us.
=   1 entry
4. follow BOTH crysten {she's @phuleffect } AND the rikrak shop (that's me! @therikrakshop )  on twitter
... & tell us.
= 1 entry

5. tweet on twitter
... about this giveaway and come back here and tell us! be sure to include @therikrakshop so i can find you! 
= 1 entry
6.follow the PHUL EFFECT blog
= 1 entry

... & tell us.

you can become a google friend connect *follower* by clicking "follow" on the top left of the blog home page OR subscribe via email or *reader* on the left hand column.
= 1 entry

8. blog about this giveaway
... come back and tell us.
= 1 entry

9. grab one of my rikrak studio buttons,
like this one from the left hand sidebar, for YOUR BLOG!

the rikrak studio

the rikrak studio

and add it to your blog!
{ ... just copy & paste the text in the box above  onto your blog sidebar! thanks! }

10. :: PLEASE NOTE ::
each entry must be its own comment.
thanks! ::


:: RULES ::
a) it is possible to have a maximum of 9 entries total per person.
b) please make sure to leave each entry as its own comment. thanks!

c) using, 1 winner of the phul effect giveaway will be chosen on friday, november 4th @ 11pm EST.
d) open to contestants worldwide.
e) please be sure to leave me an email where i can reach you if your account doesn't link to one. thanks.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

congrats (& a gift kick!)

::gorgeous custom name letterpress stationery::
:: top row :: 

:: second row :: 


ever get on a gift kick? 
like finding a gift you love to give & then giving it to everyone & anyone on your gifting list? 

well i'm on one!
it's so great in life that there's always an occasion to congratulate friends & loved ones. birthdays, engagements, new babies, new homes, it's wednesday, etc!

lately i've taken to ordering sets of personalized stationery for friends as gifts. i've tried a couple of different handmakers and LOVED the results from each! my current fave is the delicate, minimalist look of the blind embossed custom letterpressed name flat note. gorgeous!

on a gift kick? 
love to hear what you're loving!

{ and speaking of congrats: chose lucky #168   - laarnie otomo of *to sew with love *  - as our latest winner! what great sewing tutorials you have, laarnie! congrats! you've WON the allisa jacobs prize pack giveaway! thanks so everyone who entered! }
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the 2011 rikrak handmade Christmas stocking collection LAUNCH!


just 2 months today until CHRISTMAS!!

lots of lovely new favourites for you.
+ all those classic rikrak faves, too!

and on now, for a limited time... custom colour stockings... you choose the style and colours, and i create them JUST FOR YOU at no extra cost!


AND ... 
just until 11pm EST on oct.27th, 
use the coupon code 
* 2011LAUNCH
for 20% off YOUR ENTIRE ORDER.
(please note: 
retro ornaments not included 
in this offer) 

thanks again.

hope you'll come visit my rikrak etsy shop throughout the day to see the full 2011 collection!

{ps: gotta fave? i'd love to hear!}


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