Monday, February 8, 2010

VOTE: event 8


thanks so very much for all of your fantastic nominations in the 2010 Handmade Olympics. what a wonderful celebration of handmade!

without further ado, i'm thrilled to present our judges' shortlist for event #8!


thanks so much to our fabulous judge for this event, the wonderful tara gentile, editor of the inspiring scoutiegirl blog!

what our judge had to say about the nominations: When I land on a new blog, first impressions are key. A clean layout, pretty features, and an emphasis on content over clutter are what I'm looking for. I love a blog with a unique perspective. I adore a blogger that is confident in their style, is consistent in their point-of-view, and shares their personal passion - whether in real life stories, friendly writing, or fabulous finds. Finally, I think a great blog inspires you to create more. If you're a crafter, they inspire you to craft - if you're a photographer, they inspire to find the next great image - if you're a blogger yourself, they inspire you to blog your heart out!

The blogs I chose for the short list, in my opinion, epitomize these criteria. They're lovely, inspiring, and full of personality!


congratulations to the following & please cast your vote for your favourite blog with a handmaking focus!


the long thread



twig & thistle


talk crafty to me

art and ghosts

love natalie


pins + paper


say yes to Hoboken


bright and blithe


feeling stitchy


wow! what a list!
let's vote for our favourite!

voting rules:
1. you can vote once in each event.
2. voting closes on wed. february 17th at 5pm
3. the top 3-vote getters in each event will be announced on thursday february 18th!

okay... please VOTE!

please be sure to head over to cast your vote in EACH of the 8 events:
vote in event #1
vote in event #2
vote in event #3
vote in event #4
vote in event #5
vote in event #6
vote in event #7
vote in event #8


:: and THE PRIZES!::
don't forget, there are over $2000 worth of handmaking prizes to be awarded! yay!
this EVENT will award the following prizes!

:: a GOLD prize pack
including $150.00 worth of handmade goodness!
(a $50 gift certificate to the peach tree
a $50 gift certificate to pom love
a one-month adspot on the blomma finds blog!)
+ an *i WON* the handmade olympics banner/button image to use on your site/blog/shop
+ an artist/crafter feature on the rikrak studio blog!

:: a SILVER prize pack with $100.00 worth of handmade goodness:
a $50 gift certificate to michmade
a $50 gift certificate to crow+iris

:: a BRONZE prize pack
of one FREE month of March 2010 advertisting on the rikrak studio blog! yay!

best of luck, nicies! yay handmade!

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  1. wahoo! What an amazing way to start a very rough week. Thank you so much to those who nominated me and especially to Tara for choosing me as a finalist! this is so fun, K, most of all big props to you! yipea!
    nicole @ lillyella

  2. YAAAYYYY! OMG! Thank you so much for the recognition. This is a great honor to be one among other beautiful, inspirational nominees. I feel like being with this group is just as good as being a winner. Thank you rikrak and Tara for the opportunity!

  3. What a fabulous collection of blogs and thanks to Tara for the nomination! I am SO excited and honored to be considered for this, thank you so much! Fingers crossed and best of luck to everyone!

  4. I'm not really the athletic type, so this is quite a surprise!

    Thanks for doing putting this together, Kristal. Some great blogs in this category, so thank you for including mine.

  5. Visit to post articles in the following categories: homebased, sampras, misltetoe, society, gila, Didrex, Delicious and more...


thanks so much for your comments, nicies!
it's a joy to read what everyone writes here.
thank you!